Please be Advised – Traffic on Tetayut Rd.

A Notice from Lubec Construction:

We will be reducing Tetayut road down to single land traffic from time to time to complete the frontage works in relation to sanitary and water. This single lane alternating will only be during the daytime and will reopen to both lanes at the end of the day. I will continue to update you on what days these will be required however here is what we have booked now. Lubec will have flaggers in place to control traffic during working hours.

  • Wednesday, December 18
    Minimal closure to one lane as required to install sanitary main tie in.
  • Thursday, December 19
    Single Lane Alternating throughout the day.
  • Friday, December 20
    Single Lane Alternating throughout the day.
  • Monday, January 6 – 8
    Expose & Tie In Water Main

** This is a notice to the residents that will be effected. 7593, 7595, 7597 & 7599 Tetayut Road. Lubec Construction has provided letters to each of these houses as well.