Huge Thanks to LMS and D&D Steel

The community members and administration of SȾÁUTW̱ First Nation would like to send a huge thank-you to LMS Reinforcing Steel Group,and D&D Steel.
Together, these companies are supporting the rebuilding of our Longhouse, and have donated $25,000 worth of rebar for the longhouse reconstruction project!
This generosity is amazing, and we appreciate it so much! HÍSW̱ḴE.
Also we’d like to give a shout out to community members:
- Joel Pelkey Jr.
- Eugene Baker
- Trevor Charlie
- Aaron Sam Jr.
- Bryan James Jr.
- Shorty Morris
- Ivan Morris Jr
- Adam Sampson
- Troy Sampson
This group is installing all the rebar free of charge. Great work guys, and thank you for donating your time and expertise to this project.
We raise our hands for your support and generosity.