March 17, 2020
To support Community Health and prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Chief and Council has directed staff to close the SȾÁUTW̱ Administration Building SȾÁUTW̱ First Nation Chief and Council would like to assure the Community that we are following the Canadian Health guidelines and are taking every precautionary measure to insure Health and Safety to our Community and Staff. SȾÁUTW̱ Administration building will be closed for all gatherings and meetings for two weeks in an effort to limit exposure and protect our Community and Staff. Our tentative date to reopen is March 30th, 2020. Our Health team will be in office and available to our Community members. We want to assure our Elders and those with compromised immune systems that there are supports in place. The good food box and the meals on wheels will continue as we see these services as essential services. We thank the Staff and our Health team for all of the work they have done and continue to do in supporting the Community and the Staff to stay safe. SȾÁUTW̱ Chief and Council and Staff are committed to our Community and will continue to work together in an effort to support wherever we can.
Chief Nick Claxton