Join Us July 6 &7

SȾÁUTW̱ members are invited to join in the celebrations next week July 6th & 7th. The staff have been planning events to mark the SȾÁUTW̱ elections and welcoming new leadership and honouring the outgoing leadership. There are two days of events being held, and we are excited to welcome you and your families.

Please see the tables below for event times and locations. We look forward to seeing you there!

JULY 6, 2023 Event Location
2:oopm Clown Performance, Balloons & Face Painting Gym
5:00pm – 8:00pm Community Feast Bighouse
New Council Swearing-in Ceremony Bighouse
Honouring Outgoing Leadership Bighouse
8:30pm Movie Night in the Gym
with Popcorn & Candy Bags
JULY 7, 2023 Event Location
1:oopm – 5:00pm Grad Reception in the Gym Gym
Fish Stamping Gym
T Shirt Making Gym
Bouncy Castle Gym
Pit Cook Outside behind office
6:00pm Community Feast & Guest Speaker Gym
8:30pm-9:30pm Bone Game in Gym Gym
10:00pm Fireworks at the Beach! Beach