Talk to us about options for restoring Tetayut Creek
SȾÁUTW̱ Community,
Please be advised that we are STILL in COVID-19. This means that our community is still experiencing COVID-19 cases. At this time, the numbers are still below what we experienced last year. However, this does not mean we can relax with our efforts to social distance, ensure small personal circles, sanitize, wear masks, and limit social interaction and travel. If you have any symptoms, please do not hesitate to schedule a COVID-19 test. Here are some important links:
Most of our community live in a home with multiple or large families. In the case that one family member is tested for COVID-19, the current VIHA instructions include:
- Isolate in the home
- Wear a mask in the home
- Limit interaction with other family members
- Sanitize everything you touch or wear gloves.
In the case where there are multiple families, there is an option to remove one family to the isolation of a hotel room. Our staff at SȾÁUTW̱ is working diligently to ensure that we stay on top of the current cases. This includes providing support to families through daily check ins, disinfecting wipes, gloves, sanitizer, food, information. If you know of a family that needs COVID-19 assistance, please refer them to:
- Stella Underwood (250) 589-3940
- Angelina Garcia (778) 679-8758 or
- Michelle McDormand (250) 885-7095
They they will work with management to ensure families are supported. I understand that not everyone has access to social media. Please share this information with your families and community members.
Here is an important link for staff:
As a community, we need to remain diligent when it comes to keeping ourselves, families, Elders, and community members safe. We can get through this, but we all need to work together.