The SȾÁUTW̱ Health Department provides medical transportation services to its clients and community members who require transportation to medical appointments. This service is provided to clients in a private and confidential manner, while keeping with the terms and conditions of the Health Transfer Contribution Agreement.
Bus Tickets & Vehicle Mileage
Bus tickets are available at the front desk of the health department. These tickets are available if you are not able to get to and from doctor appointments on your own. Reimbursements for mileage to medical related appointments in your personal vehicle is also offered. Please contact the transportation coordinator for more information.
How to Make Arrangements
For local appointments, please contact our Health Transportation Coordinator 48 hours prior to appointments. For long distance travel (outside of our local service area) please notify us seven days prior to your departure date. Please note that travel outside of our service area requires approval.
- Client I.D.
- Client Gender
- Date of birth
- Date & Time of your appointment
- Travel information (local or long distance)
- Departure Location (Refers to the place the travel started: This is only required for bands or First Nations communities with multiple locations. For most groups, all travel starts at the same location)
- Destination (Refers to the place of appointment)
- Date of Return (Refers to the date of the return from travel (if same as departure, input same date)
Medical appointments in the following areas are considered local:
- Saanichton
- Brentwood
- Sidney
- Victoria
The following list describes appointments that transportation will not be provided for:
- Physiotherapists (unless surgery related)
- Dental
- Chiropractors
- Psychologists
- Optometrists
- Weight Loss Clinics or other educational clinics
- Preventative Screening Programs
- Special Camps for children
- Speech assessments and therapy
- Hearing tests for children (unless there is a medical referral form from a physician or medical hearing specialists and it is part of further medical treatment or monitoring of a chronic condition)
- Appointments where the eligible client is covered under 3rd party liability (e.g. Treatment required as a result of injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident where motor vehicle insurance or WCB is involved)
- Court-ordered treatment/assessment, or as a condition of parole, coordinated by the justice system
- Appointment for the purposes of a third party requested medical examination
- Client initiated appointments for a second medical opinion
- Health related services that are not provincially/territorially insured services
- Non-surgical podiatry
- Massage therapy
- Naturopathy