About Housing Accelerator Fund Opportunity

Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) – SȾÁUTW̱ has an opportunity to apply for funding on behalf of SȾÁUTW̱ CP landowners. CMHC will be accepting applications for the Housing Accelerator Fund, $40,000 – $50,000 per applicant may be available towards a Ministerial Loan Guarantee (MLG).

These funds can be used towards construction of a new home to those who have CP land and have the means to pay a loan. The housing team is currently taking names of interested applicants. If you are interested, please contact Will Wieler at 250-652-9101 ext 308 housingmanager@tsawout.ca, or Monique Horne at 250-652-9101 ext 302 housingoutreach@tsawout.ca.

We will need to know who is applying for this funding and the proposed build location.
-SȾÁUTW̱ Housing Dept.