Sockeye FSC Allocations

Dear SȾÁUTW̱ First Nation Members

We are reaching out to provide a critical update regarding Food, Social, and Ceremonial (FSC) allocations and the Fraser River Sockeye run for 2024.

Sockeye Run Challenges

As you may be aware, this year’s Fraser River sockeye salmon run was forecasted as the lowest on record, estimated at 567,180 fish. Unfortunately, the observed returns have been even lower than forecasted, currently at 363,500.

The Fraser River requires a return of approximately 1 million fish to sustain healthy populations. For comparison, in 2022, 6,933,200 sockeye salmon returned to the Fraser. For this reason, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans has stated that there will be no sockeye retention this year (2024), including for FSC, on the East Coast of Vancouver Island.

Chilcotin Landslide

This year’s diminished Fraser River sockeye run is expected to take an even heavier hit due to the impacts of the Chilcotin landslide (July 31, 2024) which has suspended debris and disrupted migration of a critical sockeye run. The river is also experiencing increased water temperatures which may have further impacts on migration.