Are you interested in running a commercial boat?
SȾÁUTW̱ First Nation in partnership with Fish Safe is pleased to deliver training for the following certificates:
- SVOP (Small Vessel Operators Proficiency)
- RCOC (Restricted Radiotelephone Operators Certification) (VHF Radio
- SDV BS (Small Domestic Vessel – Basic Safety)
August 26 – 29 (4 days) from 8:30-4:30 – (SVOP)
September 3 & 4 (2 days) from 8:30-4:30 – (SVD-BS)
For more information or to register please contact Shae Harding: or by calling: (250) 652-9101 ext. 324
You can register for this course by clicking the “Sign Me Up” buttons below.
We look forward to getting you trained for a career in the marine industry!
This training is open to all W̱SANEĆ communities!