Talk to us about options for restoring Tetayut Creek
As stewards of our lands and resources, SȾÁUTW̱ First Nation is committed to protecting environmentally and culturally sensitive areas such as Tetayut Creek.
Tetayut Creek runs under Mount Newton Road into Saanichton Bay through two steel pipes (culverts).
Upgrades to Mount Newton Road are needed which provides an opportunity to replace the twin culverts to:
- Improve the flow of Tetayut Creek
- Restore the link between Tetayut Creek and the estuary
- Improve aquatic habitat
- Protect our existing utilities (water, sewer) and secure the primary access to our community
SȾÁUTW̱ First Nation is examining two options for replacing the culverts. Now we want to share the results of our work and gather community member input on these options.

Based on the engineering, environmental and archeological studies completed to date, the following options have been identified:
Option 1 – Clear Span Bridge
- Greater improvements to the creek flow, transport of sediment and passage of fish
- Added clearance above peak water level would provide added safety for the structure and users.
Option 2 – Open Bottom Multi Plate Arch Culvert
- Most cost-effective way to replace the culverts and improve the hydraulic flow in the creek and sediment transport.
Option 1 – Clear Span Bridge
- Greater improvements to the creek flow, transport of sediment and passage of fish
- Added clearance above peak water level would provide added safety for the structure and users.
Option 2 – Open Bottom Multi Plate Arch Culvert
- Most cost-effective way to replace the culverts and improve the hydraulic flow in the creek and sediment transport.
But there are many other things to consider when deciding on which option to move forward with, and that is where we need your input.
There will be two meeting times:
- Elders: Please join us for lunch on Thursday February 3 rd from 11AM to 1PM at SȾÁUTW̱ First Nation Gymnasium for a presentation and interactive discussion on the options for replacing the Tetayut Creek culverts.
- All other Community Members:
Please join us on Thursday February 3 rd from 5-7PM
There will be food and door prizes!