Upcoming Electrical Work

Maple Leaf Power would like to announce the following information for SȾÁUTW̱ community members:

Maple Leaf Power will be performing overhead transformer oil sampling in the BC Hydro Victoria region beginning ~January 18th and proceeding until ~February 25th, 2021.

Sampling will be occurring in and around the following communities:

SȾÁUTW̱ First Nation [4 tasks]

The attached a Maple Leaf Power sector notification letter in a copiable format for distribution of information to your community that you find applicable. Also attached is a rough analysis of tasks occurring within your community.

Previously requested information is as follows:

Work occurring on reserve: Yes, 4 tasks (~1 hour working time)

  • Size of crew(s): 1, 2 man crew
  • Duration: ~4 weeks in the Victoria region
  • Areas: Provided in rough analysis of tasks (attached)
  • Lodging: Victoria, BC

Thank you,

Alex Beutle | BHSc.H

Please see the following documents for more information: