Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) is Health Canada’s national program. This program addresses the following:
- benefit claims for a specified range of drugs
- dental care
- vision care
- medical supplies and equipment
- short-term crisis intervention
- mental health counseling
- medical transportation
Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) is Health Canada’s national program. This program addresses the following:
- benefit claims for a specified range of drugs
- dental care
- vision care
- medical supplies and equipment
- short-term crisis intervention
- mental health counseling
- medical transportation
An eligible recipient must be identified as a resident of Canada and one of the following:
- A registered Indian according to the Indian Act;
- An Inuk recognized by one of the Inuit Land Claim organizations; or
- An infant less than one year of age, whose parent is an eligible recipient
The NIHB Program covers a wide variety of goods and services that may not be covered under provincial medical plans or private insurance. These medically necessary goods and services include:
- Crisis Counselling
- Dental Benefits
- Drug Benefits
- Eye & Vision Care Benefits
- Medical Supplies & Equipment
- Medical Transportation
For a detailed list of goods and services that may be covered by the NIHB program, please visit the Health Canada Website.
The SȾÁUTW̱ Health Department has put together some useful information for community members who might have questions about Health Canada’s Non-Insured Health Benefits program.
- BC Medical Services Care Card Information
- Medical Services Plan (MSP) Checklist
- Medical Services Plan (MSP) Enrollment Application
- Medical Services Plan – Change of Service Form
- Appeals Procedures for NIHB Recipients
- Approval Process for receiving exception drugs
- Approval Process for receiving vision care
- Approval Process for receiving medical supplies & equipment.