What is this About?
The future of leadership in our community.

The Custom Election Law is a new and exciting project. We are asking the community what they would like to see regarding the future of leadership in our community. This is an opportunity for SȾÁUTW̱ membership to decide how leaders will rise to the office of Chief & Council in the years to come, what their duties will be, and how they will be accountable to the community.


For decades, the Indian Act has governed policy and procedure surrounding the on-reserve election system, displacing our traditional practices. We are now looking at ways to reclaim our rights in regard to our own governance.

We want to emphasize the importance of keeping the community well-informed during this process, and we will be undertaking a major effort to get the community involved in the months ahead.

We welcome feedback of all kinds and encourage people to ask questions, share concerns, and make suggestions while we are on this journey.

This section of our website will be a hub for information regarding the SȾÁUTW̱ Custom Election Law. Members will be able to read, watch videos, ask questions and contact the team that is coordinating this project.

We look forward to hearing the voice of the community.

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